Tekfen Inşaat ve Tesisat A.S Owned by TEKFEN HOLDİNG: 99.9%Tekfen Inşaat ve Tesisat A.S<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>TEKFEN HOLDİNG 99.9%99.9%“Tekfen İnternational Finance & İnvestments S.A Owned by TEKFEN HOLDİNG: 100% (?)“Tekfen İnternational Finance & İnvestments S.A<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>TEKFEN HOLDİNG 100% (?)100% (?)TEKFEN HOLDİNG Employee of SOCAR: consortiumTEKFEN HOLDİNG<span class='link-type'>Employee of</span>SOCAR consortiumconsortiumAMEC Employee of TEKFEN HOLDİNG: consortiumAMEC<span class='link-type'>Employee of</span>TEKFEN HOLDİNG consortiumconsortiumTEKFEN HOLDİNG Employee of SOCAR: ATA consortiumTEKFEN HOLDİNG<span class='link-type'>Employee of</span>SOCAR ATA consortiumATA consortiumAMEC Employee of SOCAR: ATA consortiumAMEC<span class='link-type'>Employee of</span>SOCAR ATA consortiumATA consortiumAZFEN Employee of SOCAR: 60 %AZFEN<span class='link-type'>Employee of</span>SOCAR 60 %60 %AZFEN Owned by Tekfen Inşaat ve Tesisat A.S: 40 %AZFEN<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>Tekfen Inşaat ve Tesisat A.S 40 %40 %AZFEN Owned by SOCAR: 60%AZFEN<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>SOCAR 60%60%Cenubtikintiservice Owned by “Tekfen İnternational Finance & İnvestments S.A: 51%Cenubtikintiservice<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>“Tekfen İnternational Finance & İnvestments S.A 51%51%SOCAR-CSCR Owned by SOCAR: ? %SOCAR-CSCR<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>SOCAR ? %? %AZFEN Owned by SOCAR: 60%AZFEN<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>SOCAR 60%60%AZFEN Owned by SOCAR: 60%AZFEN<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>SOCAR 60%60%Cenubtikintiservice Owned by Caspian Ship Construction and Repair: 45.7%Cenubtikintiservice<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>Caspian Ship Construction and Repair 45.7%45.7%SOCAR-CSCR Owned by Caspian Ship Construction and Repair: ?%SOCAR-CSCR<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>Caspian Ship Construction and Repair ?%?%TEKFEN HOLDİNGTEKFEN HOLDİNG SOCARSOCAR Tekfen Inşaat ve Tesisat A.STekfen Inşaat veTesisat A.S CenubtikintiserviceCenubtikintiservice “Tekfen İnternational Finance & İnvestments S.A“TekfenİnternationalFinance &İnvestments S.A AZFENAZFEN AMECAMEC Caspian Ship Construction and RepairCaspian ShipConstruction andRepair SOCAR-CSCRSOCAR-CSCR