Medicable Life Hospital SRL money to Oprescu Dorin Gelu: Administrator Medicable Life Hospital SRL<span class='link-type'>money to</span>Oprescu Dorin Gelu Administrator AdministratorOprescu Dorin Gelu Family Oprescu Sorin Mircea: fratiOprescu Dorin Gelu<span class='link-type'>Family</span>Oprescu Sorin Mircea fratifratiMedicable Life Hospital SRL money to Medicable Limited (Cipru): contract sublocatiuneMedicable Life Hospital SRL<span class='link-type'>money to</span>Medicable Limited (Cipru) contract sublocatiunecontractsublocatiuneMedicable Life Hospital SRL Owned by Medicable Limited (Cipru): 80%Medicable Life Hospital SRL<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>Medicable Limited (Cipru) 80%80%Medicable Life Hospital SRL Owned by Farmvil Media SRL: 20%Medicable Life Hospital SRL<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>Farmvil Media SRL 20%20%Oprescu Sorin Mircea Employee of Municipiul Bucuresti: primar generalOprescu Sorin Mircea<span class='link-type'>Employee of</span>Municipiul Bucuresti primar generalprimargeneralGagea Andrei money to Oprescu Sorin Mircea: sponsor campanieGagea Andrei<span class='link-type'>money to</span>Oprescu Sorin Mircea sponsor campaniesponsorcampanieImobil Calea Serban Voda Owned by Municipiul Bucuresti: 100%Imobil Calea Serban Voda<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>Municipiul Bucuresti 100%100%Gagea Andrei Employee of Medicable Limited (Cipru): reprezentantGagea Andrei<span class='link-type'>Employee of</span>Medicable Limited (Cipru) reprezentantreprezentantMunicipiul Bucuresti money to Farmvil Media SRL: contracte cu spitalele din subordineMunicipiul Bucuresti<span class='link-type'>money to</span>Farmvil Media SRL contracte cu spitalele din subordinecontracte cuspitalele dinsubordineMedicable Limited (Cipru) money to Prestige Projekt SRL: contract sublocatuneMedicable Limited (Cipru)<span class='link-type'>money to</span>Prestige Projekt SRL contract sublocatunecontractsublocatuneMedicable Limited (Cipru) Owned by Joka Limited: 100%Medicable Limited (Cipru)<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>Joka Limited 100%100%Imobil Calea Serban Voda Owned by Sancomplex: locatie gestiuneImobil Calea Serban Voda<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>Sancomplex locatie gestiunelocatiegestiunePrestige Projekt SRL money to European Eye Centers SRL: cesiune contractPrestige Projekt SRL<span class='link-type'>money to</span>European Eye Centers SRL cesiune contractcesiunecontractPrestige Projekt SRL money to Sancomplex: cesiune contract - locatarPrestige Projekt SRL<span class='link-type'>money to</span>Sancomplex cesiune contract - locatarcesiunecontract -locatarPrestige Projekt SRL Owned by Kavus Ayhan: 100%Prestige Projekt SRL<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>Kavus Ayhan 100%100%European Eye Centers SRL money to Sancomplex: contract exploatare imobilEuropean Eye Centers SRL<span class='link-type'>money to</span>Sancomplex contract exploatare imobilcontractexploatareimobilSancomplex Owned by Tudor Iulian: 100%Sancomplex<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>Tudor Iulian 100%100%Medical Prestige SRL Owned by Oprescu Dorin Gelu: asociatMedical Prestige SRL<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>Oprescu Dorin Gelu asociatasociatMedical Prestige SRL Owned by Oprescu Sorin Mircea: fost asociatMedical Prestige SRL<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>Oprescu Sorin Mircea fost asociatfost asociatMedical Prestige SRL money to Gagea Andrei: Director GeneralMedical Prestige SRL<span class='link-type'>money to</span>Gagea Andrei Director GeneralDirectorGeneralOprescu Dorin GeluOprescu DorinGelu Prestige Projekt SRLPrestige ProjektSRL European Eye Centers SRLEuropean EyeCenters SRL Medicable Life Hospital SRLMedicable LifeHospital SRL Medicable Limited (Cipru)MedicableLimited (Cipru) Gagea AndreiGagea Andrei Farmvil Media SRLFarmvil MediaSRL SancomplexSancomplex Kavus AyhanKavus Ayhan Municipiul BucurestiMunicipiulBucuresti Imobil Calea Serban VodaImobil CaleaSerban Voda Oprescu Sorin MirceaOprescu SorinMircea Tudor IulianTudor Iulian Joka LimitedJoka Limited Medical Prestige SRLMedicalPrestige SRL