Pavel FILIP Family Dumitru Filip: fiuPavel FILIP<span class='link-type'>Family</span>Dumitru Filip fiufiuPavel FILIP Family Victor Filip : rudaPavel FILIP<span class='link-type'>Family</span>Victor Filip rudarudaPavel FILIP Family Iulian Filip: fiuPavel FILIP<span class='link-type'>Family</span>Iulian Filip fiufiuPavel FILIP Family Tatiana Filip : sotiePavel FILIP<span class='link-type'>Family</span>Tatiana Filip sotiesotiePavel FILIP Employee of Ministerul TIC: ministruPavel FILIP<span class='link-type'>Employee of</span>Ministerul TIC ministruministruIulian Filip Employee of Burex SRL: 49.5%Iulian Filip<span class='link-type'>Employee of</span>Burex SRL 49.5%49.5%Dumitru Filip Employee of Burex SRL: 49.5%Dumitru Filip<span class='link-type'>Employee of</span>Burex SRL 49.5%49.5%Victor Filip Employee of Burex SRL: 1%Victor Filip <span class='link-type'>Employee of</span>Burex SRL 1%1%Tatiana Filip Employee of SC Aluprofmet SRL: 33%Tatiana Filip <span class='link-type'>Employee of</span>SC Aluprofmet SRL 33%33%Victor Filip Employee of SC Aluprofmet SRL: 34%Victor Filip <span class='link-type'>Employee of</span>SC Aluprofmet SRL 34%34%Dumitru Filip Employee of Interasig-GRUP SRL: 100 %Dumitru Filip<span class='link-type'>Employee of</span>Interasig-GRUP SRL 100 %100 %Victor Filip Employee of Interasig-GRUP SRL: administratorVictor Filip <span class='link-type'>Employee of</span>Interasig-GRUP SRL administratoradministratorBurex SRL Owned by SC InterBurex SRL: 100%Burex SRL<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>SC InterBurex SRL 100%100%Magazinele CIOCOVILLE Owned by Burex SRL: 100%Magazinele CIOCOVILLE<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>Burex SRL 100%100%SC Olanco Prod SRL Owned by SC Aluprofmet SRL: 33%SC Olanco Prod SRL<span class='link-type'>Owned by</span>SC Aluprofmet SRL 33%33%Burex SRL Employee of ÎS Registru: prestari seriviciiBurex SRL<span class='link-type'>Employee of</span>ÎS Registru prestari seriviciiprestariseriviciiPavel FILIPPavel FILIP Burex SRLBurex SRL SC InterBurex SRLSC InterBurexSRL Iulian FilipIulian Filip Dumitru FilipDumitru Filip Victor Filip Victor Filip Magazinele CIOCOVILLEMagazineleCIOCOVILLE Tatiana Filip Tatiana Filip SC Aluprofmet SRLSC AluprofmetSRL SC Olanco Prod SRLSC OlancoProd SRL Ministerul TICMinisterul TIC ÎS RegistruÎS Registru Interasig-GRUP SRLInterasig-GRUPSRL